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FAQ's - Recent News

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Let me engulf you in the Ocean of Joy


So lose your being in the Greatest One


Who is Smiling in your calyx of Self


Secretly hidden to tease you all the while.


Be aware and you will find Him


Vibrating your every fibre with Blissful Joy


Covering the whole Universe with Light.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who created LETA (Life Eternal Trust Australia)?

A.  Life Eternal Trust Australia (‘LETA’) was established in 1986 by HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the peak administrative body to administer and promote Sahaja Yoga and its meditation, which has been practised and taught by volunteers as a community service throughout Australia since 1981.  Shri Mataji personally created and signed the Trust documents for Australia.   See CREATION OF LETA

HH Shri Mataji created Her Trusts in many countries to ensure Sahaja Yoga complies with legislation and to establish clear guidelines for the direction and growth of Sahaja Yoga into the future, and to ensure Her Will for Her advent of Sahaja Yoga remains intact and pure and does not become interfered with or adulterated.  Sahaja Yoga is a worldwide community service, operating independently in each country. SY Australia also runs autonomously and is completely self-funded.

Q. Why do we have Trustee-Directors?

A.  HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi chose and appointed Trustee-Directors for LETA to provide a professional management team to administer our activities and ensure full compliance with legislation, the establishment and protection of the Collective's assets, and preserve and promote the spiritual aspects of Sahaja Yoga..

Q. Do Trustee-Directors get paid?

A. No. The Trustee-Directors provide their time and services at no cost in love for HH Shri Mataji and Her children. They also personally cover all their expenses associated with the role.


Q. Do Trustee-Directors own or have any potential personal financial benefit from our Collective properties?

A.  No definitely not.  In the past there was a situation where previous Trustees names were on the Deed to 10 Clarence Street which had the potential for claims to be made by the then Trustees or their relatives.


However, after seeking and utilising professional advice the present Trustee Directors created LEPA (Life Eternal Properties Australia) as a Sole Corporate Trustee within LETA.  This effectively removes any potential personal direct access or benefit to any Trustee-Directors or other individuals.  Should LEPA be dissolved in the future the Deed stipulates all assets can only go to another Sahaja Yoga Trust, LETA Western Australia, retaining all the properties for Sahaja Yoga Australia.


Amongst the many initiatives in managing our properties the Trustee-Directors applied for and negotiated with government departments to achieve savings on Stamp Duty of $170,000 for the Collective.

Q.  Why are Trustees described as Trustee-Directors?


A.  As the Trust is not allowed to own property LEPA (Life Eternal Properties Australia) was created as a stand alone company within LETA to provide maximum protection to our properties for the Australian Collective and to distance them from any individuals. LEPA exists within the Trust and is a registered company with ASIC and operates in full compliance with Australian government legislation.


As LEPA is a registered company created within LETA the Trustees are therefore Directors of LEPA, hence the reference to Trustee-Directors.      The current LETA  Deed as the governing document is registered with the ACNC, is public facing and online in meeting our compliance obligations as a registered not for profit organisation.

Q.  Who looks after our finances?

A.  Legally the Trustee-Directors are responsible for the financial decisions of Sahaja Yoga Australia.  A team of professional qualified financial experts delegated by the Trustee-Directors manage all our financial aspects and records for State and National accounts on a voluntary basis on behalf of the Trustees, reporting directly to them.

The accounts and records are then provided to our independent auditors who conduct an audit and provide the required Audit Reports which are supplied to the relevant government agencies.  An annual detailed Financial Report is presented to the Collective by the Finance Team at major events, usually Easter Puja, Guru Puja or other appropriate gatherings.


Limits apply to amounts to be spent and paid out with various levels of approval required as the amounts increase. Inquiries regarding our finances are always welcome.

Q.  Why have some Trustees been in place for a long time?

A.  Unlike our Councillors who previously had fixed terms of 3 or 5 years as advised by Her Holiness Shri Mataji’s Deed had no tenure (period of service) regarding the Trustees and since that time there have been 12 changes to the Trustees positions.  Fulfilling the Trustees role is not permanent.    

Four new Trustee-Directors were recently been selected on vibrations and their qualifications to join the previous Trustees and are presently receiving training and familiarisation with the role.

In January 2025 an additional 3 Trustees were added as Trustee-Directors.

Q. Why do we have so many Policies?

A. As an association registered with ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) we are obliged to create and implement a series of policies covering a wide range of areas to comply with legislation and provide protection for our children, youth and adults.


Q. What is ACNC?

A.  ACNC (Australian Charities Not for Profit Commission) insists on very strict guidelines and checks before awarding Charitable Status to any groups.  The Trustee-Directors successfully applied through the complex process on behalf of Sahaja Yoga Australia and we were provided ACNC status which gives us substantial benefits regarding tax and other costs. 

LETA (Sahaja Yoga Australia) is registered as having Charitable Status with the ACNC in the ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA. As a registered charity we must comply with the ACNC’s financial recording keeping, reporting obligations and governance requirements which include having and adhering to our policies.

Q.  What insurances do we have?

AThe LETA/LEPA Trustee-Directors have negotiated and arranged specific Insurance Policies which are revised and renewed annually from June 30th and through a very efficient reporting process and commitment to our policies, regular communication, and good record, we obtain an attractive rate.


Our policies cover Sahaja Yoga Meditation properties in the event of damage or accidents, and Public Liability Insurance related to the involvement of members participating in Sahaja Yoga Meditation events or gatherings on LETA/LEPA properties or during public activities, and other specific policies including Voluntary Workers Personal Accident.

All Sahaja Yoga Australia public and collective programs and events need to be covered by our collective Public Liability Insurance (PLI) policy.   Volunteers conducting public and collective programs in halls or in outdoor settings such as festivals, or where venue administrators require proof of insurance, are provided with a Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency document specifically identified to the venue.   Volunteers conducting programs must have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) approval.

If you have any questions please send them to:


Recent News







Tribute to Brian O'Gorman


Jai Shri Mataji!

We offer this tribute to Brian O’Gorman, our dear, much loved and respected uncle and brother in Sahaja Yoga, one of the original Trustees of Life Eternal Trust Australia.

Uncle Brian was selected and appointed by Shri Mataji as one of the original Trustees for Life Eternal Trust Australia (LETA). He served Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga, and LETA with great distinction. He was a man well established in his life when he came to Sahaja Yoga. Although elder than many of us in the collective at that time, there was a special affinity he shared with us due to his wisdom, compassion and natural role as a mentor.

As an original member of the Trust, in 1987 he was instrumental in supporting the means by which the first property in Australia was collectively purchased; Shri Mataji’s home at 10 Clarence St., Burwood. Shri Mataji reflected that this was one of the first occasions where a local collective made a landmark purchase of a property for Sahaja Yoga. Uncle Brian was also fundamentally important in bringing about structural changes which helped ensure collective properties are held in perpetuity for future use by Sahaja Yoga.

The Trust and Council wishes to acknowledge this great yogi for all his dedication, commitment, and work for Sahaja Yoga.

Uncle Brian was a seeker of ages who sought the eternal truth. Fate decreed an encounter with Shri Mataji in the early 1980’s, and She bestowed upon him all that he was seeking. Uncle Brian strived to live a Sahaja life to the best of his abilities. He and his wife Elisabeth were very proud of establishing a collective in Wollongong and spreading Shri Mataji’s message through over 30 years of public programs in the region. We will also never forget his love and concern for those who needed guidance or a helping hand.

Uncle Brian was aware that he was entering into his last days and was longing to be with Shri Mataji. He was present and waiting to be called. His family felt great comfort knowing that he was surrounded by immense vibrations during this time.


We thank Shri Mataji for bringing him into our lives.

May he enjoy everlasting peace!

His fellow Trustees,
Life Eternal Trust Australia.
Australian Sahaja Yoga Council


Mother's Love Childcare Fundraising Calendar

The LETA Trustee-Directors have provided an A4 size 2023 Calendar design celebrating Shri Mataji's 100 year advent to the Mother's Love Childcare management as a fundraiser for the centre.  The calendars are $25 and will be available at Balmoral and intestate Yogis may order copies by email at:


New additional Trustee Directors

30th July 2022



Dear Sahaja Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!


We are thankful to Shri Mataji for Her blessings and grace and for Her appointment of additional LETA (Life Eternal Trust Australia) - LEPA Life Eternal Properties Australia (Pty Ltd) Trustee Directors to serve Our Mother and Sahaja Yoga.

Terms for LETA-LEPA Trustee Directors

Abiding by HH Shri Mataji’s letter the updated LEPA Constitution is to create five-year terms for Directors. 


The new updated status is that every five years the current Directors tenure will be reviewed.  


Yogis nominated to be LETA-LEPA Trustee Directors


As guided and taught by HH Shri Mataji when selecting Trustees, Shri Mataji would first inquire about potential Yogis' candidacy for a Trustee role, their profession and relevant experience, standing in the collective, and how active they are doing Sahaja Yoga and positive contributions they have made. HH Shri Mataji would then decide on the candidates.



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Inviting new Trustee-Directors to Life Eternal Trust  Australia



Dear Sahaja Yogis
Jai Shri Mataji!
The LETA Trustee-Directors are inviting Yogis to apply to be considered as candidates as Director-Trustees to join the Trust.   With the expansion of the Trust we are seeking National representation with the aim of adding one new Trustee-Director representing each state and territory.

If you would like to contribute to the work of the Trust responsible for Sahaja Yoga Australia please contact us at:  and we will provide an information pack outlining the requirements Yogis need to fulfil to be considered for appointment as a company Director.

Candidates will be checked on vibrations at Guru Puja in Balmoral.




A message from the LETA Trustees

A message from Shri Mataji re Avinash Nichkawade


Dear Sahaja Yogis


Mr Avinash Nichkawade is sharing misinformation, allegations and spurious random claims for matters of which he has no knowledge for over 17 years.


At this time we are sharing Shri Mataji's letter of 2006 where Shri Mataji expressed that Mr Nichkawade's actions "had hurt her deeply". 


As a result of this letter Shri Mataji removed Mr Nichkawade from his roles. His invitation to take part in Sahaja Yoga Australia activities and attend LETA administered Sahaja properties was withdrawn. 


We inform the collective that this advice remains in place founded on the letter of Our Mother and Shri Mataji's advice



May God Bless You

Brian O Gorman



Official Website:

This website is intended for Sahaja Yogis and

is presented by Life Eternal Trust Australia

 ©  Copyright.(2022) LETA/LEPA

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